What is money? | Simply explained

Money is a ubiquitous term that is used to describe any medium of exchange that is widely accepted in transactions for goods and services. It is a concept that has been developed over thousands of years and has evolved into the complex system that we have today. Understanding what money is and how it functions is crucial in our daily lives, as we rely on it to carry out our economic activities. In this article, we will delve into the elements of money, its functions, and its original goals.

Elements of Money

The elements of money can be classified into three main categories: store of value, unit of account, and medium of exchange.

Store of Value: This refers to the ability of money to retain its value over time. Money must have a stable purchasing power to be considered a store of value. Inflation or deflation can affect the value of money, which makes it difficult to store value.

Unit of Account: This refers to the ability of money to measure the value of goods and services. Money serves as a common denominator, allowing us to compare the value of different goods and services.

Medium of Exchange: This refers to the ability of money to be used in transactions for goods and services. Money must be widely accepted as a means of payment for it to be a medium of exchange.

Functions of Money

Money serves several functions in our economy, which include:

  1. Medium of Exchange: As mentioned earlier, money is widely accepted as a means of payment for goods and services.

  2. Unit of Account: Money serves as a common denominator, allowing us to measure the value of goods and services.

  3. Store of Value: Money can be used to store wealth, making it easier to conduct transactions.

  4. Standard of Deferred Payment: Money can be used to settle debts that are due at a later date.

Original Goals of Money

The original goal of money was to facilitate the exchange of goods and services. In the early days, bartering was the primary method of exchange. However, bartering had several drawbacks, such as the double coincidence of wants, lack of standardization, and difficulty in storing value. These drawbacks led to the development of money as a medium of exchange.

Over time, money has evolved to serve other purposes, such as acting as a store of value and a unit of account. Money has also become more sophisticated, with the development of various financial instruments such as stocks, bonds, and derivatives.


In conclusion, money is a concept that has evolved over time to serve several functions in our economy. Its elements of store of value, unit of account, and medium of exchange make it a crucial component of our economic activities. Its original goal was to facilitate the exchange of goods and services, and it has evolved to become a more complex system that supports various financial instruments. Understanding what money is and how it functions is crucial in our daily lives, as we rely on it to carry out our economic activities.


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